IB: Extended Essay



The Extended Essay


The Extended Essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research. It prepares students for the kind of research required at undergraduate level and gives them an opportunity to study in depth a topic of interest within a chosen subject. Each student is guided and advised by a subject-specialist supervisor.

Extended Essay Calendar


Lent Term 

19th January  Introduction to the extended essay (head of year session)
Submission of proposal form EE-1 by 5pm on Tuesday 20th January (at reception)
26th January Proposal form (EE-1) returned to students and allocation of supervisor
Review of relevant literature and research (head of year session) - to include a talk on the use of library resources by head librarian
Students to meet with supervisors this week and complete form EE-2
Students are given literature review form EE-3 
2nd February  Submission of form EE-2 by 5pm (at reception) 
9th February  Review of relevant literature and research (head of year session)
Hand in literature review and summary form EE-3 by 5pm 

Half Term 

23rd February  Literature review returned to students with feedback from supervisors (form EE-3) 
2nd March - 9th March Work on extended essay to continue supervised in the library and open access room (students will sign in and out with librarian) 
Group 4 students are permitted to work in the science laboratories under supervision of supervisor or nominee
Art students are permitted to work in the art department under supervision of supervisor or nominee
23rd March First draft of extended essay (without abstract or conclusion) to be handed in with form EE-4 to Dr Thompson during head of year session 


¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵ ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵ is a co-educational, independent school.

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¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵ ¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵ, Worcester Road,
¶¹ÄÌÊÓƵ, Worcestershire B61 7DU.


01527 579679

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